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This tool is worth exploring as it includes sliders for adjusting the intensity and clarity of the effect plus brushes for selectively erasing and applying the selected style. Since most of the styles provided tend to posterise images, these tools can be handy for local control over where the effects are applied and the strength of the adjustments. However, enough selective adjustments are provided to make this tool worth exploring.
The image on the left is before adjustments; on the right shows the results of several selective adjustments. Before and after images showing the Lomo Camera Effect. The Pop Art setting lets you posterise shots and add colour fill adjustments. You can then create a duplicate image showing four different colour effects.
The Pop Art effect. The most potentially useful tool in this sub-menu is the Reflections tool, which lets you add a reflection to a subject. You can choose between Floor, Glass and Water reflections and adjust the intensity or add distortion to produce the result you want.
A Gradient tool allows you to apply a varying intensity to the reflection from the lowest point to the base of the original image. End results can be surprisingly effective if you put in the time to tweak the available settings.
Most of the templates have been redesigned and are more attractive than those provided in Elements 7. While they may not suit users who require greater flexibility with their layout choices, for novice users, these templates provide easy ways to use digital photos in popular ways. Although there are a lot of functions we would never use, overall Elements 9 provides most of the key tools photo enthusiasts require for an affordable price tag.
Should You Upgrade? Photographers who constantly upgrade to the latest edition of any image editor usually end up forking out a lot of money. Essentially, your decision should be based on whether the new tools will add new capabilities or improve the existing capabilities of your current image editor. For Mac users, the decision is relatively easy: if you want the Organiser, the upgrade will be worthwhile. Windows users are faced with a more difficult decision.
For the tools it provides and the effectiveness of those tools, Elements has no rival and represents good value for money. Begin by opening the photo that you want to add the vignette! Click Open. I am going to be using this picture of my daughter, Leah, who will be starting her senior year in high school in just a few short weeks, so we took these photos for her Senior photo shoot just this past week.
The photo on the workstation will look the same, but you will see two of the photos in the layer palette. Make sure that the top layer is highlighted in the layers palette.
Change the blending mode of the top layer to Multiply by clicking on the arrow and selecting Multiply in the fly out menu. Select the rectangular marquee tool keyboard shortcut M and change the settings on the option bar to reflect the ones I have in the picture below.
Make sure that the Feather is set at 0 px. Draw a rectangle on your photo by clicking the mouse on the upper left hand corner and dragging the mouse to the lower right hand corner. With the Marquee Tool still selected, change the settings in the Options bar to reflect those below. Move the slider, or type a lower number to affect more of the image. Type a higher number to restrict the effect to the edges of the image.
Vertical Perspective. Corrects image perspective caused by tilting the camera up or down. Type a number in the box or use the slider to make vertical lines in an image parallel. Horizontal Perspective. Type a number in the box or use the slider to correct perspective by making horizontal lines in an image parallel. Rotates the image to correct for camera tilt or to make adjustments after correcting perspective.
Type a number in the box or drag the angle dial to rotate the image to the left counterclockwise or right clockwise. Adjusts the image scale up or down. Type a number in the box or use the slider to remove blank areas of the image caused by pincushion, rotation, or perspective corrections. Scaling up effectively results in cropping the image and interpolating up to the original pixel dimensions. You can now remove the dampening effect that environmental or atmospheric conditions have on your pictures, particularly photos of landscapes.
Using the Auto Haze Removal feature, you can reduce the masking effect that haze, fog, or smog creates. The image is processed and the effects of haze or fog are reduced. Repeat Step 2, to further process the photograph. Remember that using too much of either of the sliders may result in an image with high levels of contrast or minor imperfections in the photograph getting magnified. Play with both sliders till you get the right result. Legal Notices Online Privacy Policy.
User Guide Cancel. Adjust facial features. Open a photo in Photoshop Elements. For a selected face, you can adjust the following features using the available sliders:. Smile, Height, Width, Upper lip, Lower lip. Height, Width, Size, Tilt, Distance. Height, Width. Face Shape.
Width, Forehead height, Jawbone shape, Chin height. Face Tilt. Angle, Left-Right, Up-Down. Face Tilt is introduced in Photoshop Elements Do one of the following: To cancel the set of modifications you have made to facial features, click Reset. To apply the modifications made to the facial features, click OK.
Precisely remove red eye. In the image, do one of the following: Click a red area of an eye. Draw a selection over the eye area. When you release the mouse button, the red is removed from the eyes. Remove the Pet Eye effect. To fix the Pet Eye effect:. Do one of the following: Draw a rectangle around the eye region.
Click on the eye in the picture. Open closed eyes Enhanced in Photoshop Elements Do one of the following: Click Computer to select a source photo from your computer.
Click Organizer to select a source photo from the Elements Organizer. Click Photo Bin to select a source photo from the currently opened files. Change the roundness. If you increase, then it makes the vignette more rounded, and if you decrease the value, then it will be narrower.
In this article, we have done a vignette effect in photoshop using various methods. The first method was to contract the solid color. Then we have seen how the effect has its practical use on black and white backgrounds and, at last, using curves layer. This is a guide to Photoshop vignette. Here we discuss how the effect has its practical use on black and white backgrounds step by step.
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Retouch and correct photos in Photoshop Elements
Once you’ve downloaded the image, open it in Photoshop ELements. Photoshop Elements Colored Vignette 9. On your keyboard press “Ctrl D”. Download your free guide and get on a path to becoming the profitable creative that you want. GET THE GUIDE. You can download an image to apply the vignette from any stock photo website, or you can snap your own photo as it works great with real-life picture. Photoshop.