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How to Add a Google Chrome Shortcut Icon to Your Desktop – How to Download and Install Google Chrome for Windows 10
Browsers are like Macs versus PCs, dogs versus cats, and ketchup versus mustard — everybody has a preference. For the majority of the population, the most popular choice right now is Google Chrome. Its fast speeds, simple design, and convenience tend to be fan favorites.
Here’s how google chrome desktop windows 10 can add the application to your desktop, and start your seamless searching:. Before you can add the Google Chrome icon to your desktop, make sure you have it installed on your computer. If you are certain that you have it installed, skip this section. If you are unsure or know you don’t have it downloaded, follow the steps below:. If you are unsure whether or not you have Google Chrome installed, follow these steps:.
In toogle bottom left corner of your screen you will see a search bar where it says, “Type here to search. Click on the search bar and type in “Google Chrome. If you have Google Chrome installed the app will appear. If you don’t have it installed, you won’t see the app and it will ask if you want to search the web. If you do have it installed, skip to the next section. If you don’t, click here to download Google Chrome. Go to the “Applications” folder on the left side of the window.
Scroll through this folder to see if you have Google Chrome. You can also search for it in the top right corner of the window. Google chrome desktop windows 10 you find Google Chrome in the “Applications” folder, skip to the next section.
If you don’t find Google Chrome in this folder, click here to download it. Once you’re sure that you have Google Chrome deskto, follow the below steps:. Go to your desktop and click on google chrome desktop windows 10 “Windows” icon in the bottom left corner of your screen. Be sure to close any other windows beforehand — open windows will prevent you from adding the icon to your desktop. Click on the icon and drag it windods your desktop.
You now have a Google Chrome icon on your desktop. An even easier way to access Google Chrome? Pin the icon to your task bar at the bottom of your screen. Just right click on google chrome desktop windows 10 icon and select “Pin to taskbar. Once you’re sure you have Google Chrome installed, follow the steps below:. Go to your desktop and open “Finder. Select the “Applications” folder on the left side of the window. Click and drag the icon onto your desktop. Now you’ll have a Google Chrome icon on your desktop.
You can also add the icon to your dock, usually located at the bottom of your screen. To do this, click and drag the icon into its place on the dock. Tech All Tech.
Home Google chrome desktop windows 10. Smart Home. All Home. Home Decor. Holiday Decor. Smart Home Devices. All Kitchen. All Deskgop. Mental Health. Reproductive Health. All Перейти на страницу. All Beauty.
All Gifts. Gifts for Men. Gifts for Women. Gifts for Baby. Fhrome for Kids. Gifts for Teens. Gifts for Everyone. All Coupons. Under Armour. All Travel. Travel Rewards. Tech Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down.
Home Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Kitchen Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down.
Health Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Style Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down.
Beauty Angle down icon An icon in the shape of windowss angle pointing down. Gifts Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. Google chrome desktop windows 10 Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down.
Travel Angle down icon An icon in the shape of an angle pointing down. By Christine Pro 2018 update free download. Facebook Icon The letter F.
Email icon An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email. Share icon An curved нажмите для деталей pointing right. Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting.
Twitter LinkedIn icon The word “in”. LinkedIn Fliboard icon A stylized letter F. Flipboard Facebook Icon The letter F. Google chrome desktop windows 10 Email icon An envelope. Email Link icon An image of a chain link. It symobilizes a website link url. Google chrome desktop windows 10 Link. You can add a Google Chrome icon to your desktop for easy access to the browser. First make sure you have Google Access freetrial free installed. If it’s not yet installed, use your current browser Safari or Microsoft Edge for example to go winows this link.
Once you have Google Chrome installed on your computer, locate the app google chrome desktop windows 10 and click and drag it onto your desktop. On Mac you can also drag the icon onto your App dock which is usually at the bottom of your screenand on Windows you can right click on the xesktop and pin it to your taskbar which is also usually at the bottom of your screen. Visit Business Insider’s homepage for more stories.
Christine Kopaczewski. Christine Kopaczewski is a Philadelphia-based freelance lifestyle writer.
Google chrome desktop windows 10
There are a handful of different ways that you can open a program in Windows 10, but many people like to google chrome desktop windows 10 their most-used programs on источник desktop. Since gpogle are a variety of ways to set an application as a default in Crhome Windows versions, you may have already used some tech tutorials in the past that offered you a way to accomplish this.
One of the simplest ways to set a default program, such as making Chrome the default Windows 10 browser, is to find the browser icon in the Start menu and drag it to the desktop. Google Chrome is a popular browser for people that are looking for an alternative to Microsoft Edge or Internet Explorer. Our guide below will show you how to add Google Chrome to the desktop in Windows 10 by following a few short steps. Our tutorial continues below with additional information on how to create a desktop shortcut for the Chrome browser in the Windows 10 operating system, including pictures of these steps.
You can also check out our guide on deskto; to find your Chrome downloads if you want an easy way to locate microsoft visual studio (vs) 2017 enterprise free download files you download in the browser. The steps in this article are going to add a shortcut for the Google Chrome Web browser to your desktop. You can launch Google Chrome from this shortcut by double-clicking on it.
Note that you should have all apps minimized before google chrome desktop windows 10 this so that google chrome desktop windows 10 desktop is eindows. You can read our set Chrome as default browser Windows 7 guide if you would like to use Chrome automatically when you click wnidows. You can also right-click on the Google Google chrome desktop windows 10 button from Step 2 google chrome desktop windows 10 find additional options, such as pinning it to the Start menu or adding it to the taskbar. You can continue reading google chrome desktop windows 10 for additional discussion about how to create shortcut icons for Chrome, other Google apps, and more so that you can open Windows apps a little more easily.
Much like certain changes that you can make in Windows, such as if you dessktop to set a default browserthere are some more tools and methods that you can employ if you want to do this. You can also right-click in an empty space on your desktop, choose Newthen click Shortcut.
You could then click the Browse button or copy and paste the file location from the address bar in Windows Explorer and use File Explorer to browse to the Google chrome desktop windows 10 folder, then double click the program for which you wish to create a shortcut on your computer desktop. If you need a way to add a shortcut in Windows 7, then our Chrome shortcut on desktop tutorial can help you with that.
One final option would be to click the search icon in the taskbar, type the name of the application into the search bar, then right-click on the file and choose to Open file location.
You could then right-click on the application file and click Create shortcut, or perform one of many other actions and helpful tips that you find on that right click shortcut menu. If you are trying to add Google Chrome to the desktop because you want to be able to use it in place of a Microsoft browser like Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge, then choosing to set Chrome as the default browser may be a more effective solution.
You will then simply need to scroll down and select Google Chrome, then click the Set default button at the top of the window. When you need to show someone something that you see on your computer, you can follow the steps in our Acer screenshot guide to take a picture of your screen.
Страница Burleigh has been writing tech tutorials since His writing has appeared on chroem of different websites and been read over 50 million times. However, he now works full time writing content online and creating websites. His main writing topics include iPhones, Microsoft Office, Google Apps, Android, and Photoshop, but he has also written about many other tech topics as well.
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Google chrome desktop windows 10. Access another computer with Chrome Remote Desktop
Ask a new question. I have installed Windows 10 on my Dell desktop. I have used Google Chrome and Gmail for a couple of years as they work well together, or at chorme they did before I upgraded to Windows When you post a question on this site, Microsoft needs to add a Windows topic of: Issues running 3rd party software. There is no real topic in the windowz menu that fits this problem.
Was this reply helpful? Yes No. Sorry this didn’t help. Thanks for your feedback. Choose where you want to search below Search Search the Community. Search the community and support articles Windows Windows 10 Search Community member. Chrome google chrome desktop windows 10 often google chrome desktop windows 10 webpages. No links will work. Try to close Chrome and fhrome get a message saying that there are downloads in progress I have observed it say as many as There читать больше no other evidence or reason to believe that there are downloads occurring.
If you close the tab, you often get the “Jim’s Dead” screen. Gmail often won’t let me attach a file to outgoing email. It also won’t let me download attachments on incoming wihdows. Closing out Chrome and restarting computer a real pain will allow attachments and downloads for a little while but then the problem reoccurs.
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