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Autodesk inventor 2015 content center libraries free
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Autodesk inventor 2015 content center libraries free. Autodesk 2010 Service Pack 2 Readme
The Content Center is a collection of, out of the box, overstandard parts from 18 international standards. These include such things as fasteners, pipe fittings, steel profiles and also profile shapes cones, spheres etc which can be used in part design.
These libraries can be installed for use on individual machines as Desktop libraries, or installed in the Autodesk Data Management Server for use with Autodesk Vault. Installing the Content Center libraries for desktop content is fairly easy, as it is a part of Installing Inventor. Additional libraries can be installed, if needed, at a later date also. To do this, simply re-run the installation program you used to install your Suite or Inventor the first time.
After you have passed the screen asking for your Serial Number and Product Key, look under Shared Components and select any libraries you inventot missing. Check to make sure the install is not also trying to install anything else you may have purposely skipped autodesk inventor 2015 content center libraries free the initial installation.
Installing for a Vault Content setup is slightly different. Navigate to the folder where you extracted the Libraries for both the Data and Log files, then give the Library a name or accept the default name of the library. Here you can set whether you are using Desktop or Server Content, and specify the location of the libraries if Desktop. The Custom Family Default section http://replace.me/14399.txt whether autodesk inventor 2015 content center libraries free placed or opened part from a Custom Family will be As Standard placed directly on the screen and stored in the посмотреть больше location mentioned below or As Custom Inventor prompts you for a file location and the part is no longer linked to the Content Center family.
On the Files Tab, you can also specify the location for the part files generated by Content Center the first time a part is placed or opened.
Now that you have Installed the libraries, you will need to configure them to work with your Inventor Project s. So, for now…. Thanks guys! You are commenting using http://replace.me/2478.txt WordPress. You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Autodesk inventor 2015 content center libraries free me of new contrnt via email. Share this: Tweet.
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