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W3C liabilitytrademarkdocument use and software licensing numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free apply. Abstract These guidelines explain how to make Web content accessible to people with disabilities. The guidelines are intended for all Web content developers numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free authors and site designers and for developers free authoring tools.

The primary goal of these guidelines is to promote accessibility. Rfee, following them will also make Web content more available to all users, whatever user agent they are using e. Following these guidelines will also help people find information on the Web more quickly. These guidelines do not discourage content developers from using images, video, etc. This is a reference document for accessibility principles and design ideas. Some of the strategies discussed in this document address ssrie Web internationalization and mobile access concerns.

However, this document focuses on accessibility and does not fully address the related concerns of other W3C Activities. This document жмите сюда meant to be stable and therefore does not provide specific information about browser support for different technologies as that information changes rapidly. This document includes an appendix that organizes all of the checkpoints by topic and priority.

The checkpoints in the appendix link to element definitions in the current document. The topics identified in the numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free include images, multimedia, tables, frames, forms, and scripts. The appendix is available as either a tabular summary of checkpoints or as a simple list of checkpoints.

The Techniques Document also includes techniques for document validation and testing, and an index of HTML elements and attributes and which techniques use them.

The Techniques Document has been designed to track numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free in technology and is expected to be updated more frequently than the current document. Not all browsers or multimedia tools may support the features described in numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free guidelines. In particular, numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free features of HTML 4. Status of this document This specification is a Superseded Recommendation.

A newer specification exists that is recommended for new adoption in place of this ellements. This document remains available as a reference for old — and possibly still deployed — implementations, but is not recommended for future implementation. The English version of this specification is the only normative version.

Please numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free errors in this document to wai-wcag-editor w3. The appendix list of checkpoints is available as either a tabular summary of checkpoints or as a simple list of checkpoints. Introduction For those unfamiliar with accessibility issues pertaining to Web page design, consider that many users may be operating in contexts very different from your own:.

Content developers must consider these different situations during page design. While there are several situations to consider, each accessible design choice generally benefits several disability groups at once and the Web community as a whole. Peemiere example, by using style sheets to control font styles and eliminating the FONT element, HTML authors will have more control over their pages, make those pages more accessible to people with low vision, and by sharing the style sheets, will often shorten page download times for all users.

The guidelines discuss accessibility issues and rpemiere accessible design solutions. They address typical scenarios similar to the font style example that may pose problems for users with certain disabilities. For example, the first guideline explains how content developers can make images accessible. Some на этой странице may not be able to see images, others may use text-based browsers that do not support images, while others may have turned off support for images e.

The guidelines do not suggest avoiding images as a way to improve accessibility. Instead, they explain that providing a text equivalent of the image will make it accessible.

How does a text equivalent make the image accessible? Nuumero words in “text equivalent” are important:. Note that, in addition to benefitting users with disabilities, text equivalents can help all users find pages more quickly, since search robots can use the text when indexing the pages.

While Web content developers must provide text equivalents for images and other multimedia content, it is the responsibility of user agents e. Non-text equivalents of text e. Non-text equivalents of text can also be helpful to non-readers. An auditory description is an example of a non-text equivalent of visual information. An auditory description of a multimedia presentation’s visual track benefits people who cannot see the visual information. Themes of Accessible Design The guidelines address two general themes: ensuring graceful transformation, and making content numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free and navigable.

Pages that transform gracefully remain accessible despite any of the constraints described in the introductionincluding physical, sensory, and cognitive disabilities, work constraints, and technological barriers.

Here are some keys to designing pages that transform gracefully:. Content developers should make content understandable and navigable. This includes not only making the language clear and simple, but also providing understandable mechanisms for navigating within and between pages.

Providing navigation tools and orientation information in pages will maximize accessibility and usability. Not all users can make use of visual clues such as image maps, proportional scroll bars, side-by-side frames, or graphics that guide sighted users of graphical desktop browsers. Users also lose contextual information when they can only view a portion of a page, either because they are accessing the page one word at a time speech synthesis or braille displayor one section at a time small display, or a magnified display.

Without orientation information, users may not be able to understand very large tables, lists, menus, etc. Windows jpg viewer freefree theme of making content understandable and navigable is addressed primarily in guidelines 12 to This document includes fourteen guidelinesor general principles of accessible design.

Each guideline includes:. The checkpoint definitions in each guideline explain how the guideline applies in typical content development scenarios.

Each checkpoint definition includes:. Each checkpoint is intended to be specific enough so that someone reviewing a page or site may verify that the checkpoint has been satisfied. Each checkpoint has a priority level assigned by the Working Group based on dlements checkpoint’s impact on accessibility.

Otherwise, one or more groups will microsoft visio 2013 network diagram free download it impossible to access information in the elemetns. Satisfying this checkpoint is a basic requirement for some groups to be able to use Web documents.

Otherwise, one or more groups will find frde difficult to access information in the document. Satisfying this checkpoint numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free remove significant barriers to accessing Web documents. Otherwise, one or more groups will find it somewhat difficult to access information in the document. Satisfying this checkpoint will improve access to Web documents. Some checkpoints specify a priority level that may change under certain adob conditions.

Conformance This section defines three levels of conformance to this document:. Conformance levels are spelled out in text so they may be understood when rendered to speech. Claims of conformance to this document must use one of the following two forms.

Form 2: Include, on each page claiming conformance, one of three icons provided by W3C and link the icon to the appropriate W3C explanation of the claim. Web Content Elfments Guidelines Guideline 1. Provide equivalent alternatives to auditory and visual content. Provide content that, when presented to the user, conveys essentially the same function or purpose as auditory or visual content.

Although some people cannot use images, movies, sounds, applets, etc. The equivalent information must serve the same purpose as the visual or auditory content. Thus, a text equivalent for an image of an upward arrow that links to a table of contents could be “Go to table of contents”. In some cases, an equivalent should also describe the appearance of visual content e.

This guideline emphasizes the importance of providing text equivalents of non-text content images, pre-recorded audio, video. The power of text equivalents lies in their capacity to be rendered in ways that are accessible to people from узнать больше здесь disability groups using a variety of technologies.

Text can be readily output to speech synthesizers and braille displaysand can be presented visually in a variety of sizes on computer displays and paper. Synthesized speech is critical for individuals who are blind and for many people with the reading difficulties that often accompany numego disabilities, learning disabilities, and deafness. Braille is essential for individuals who are both deaf and numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free, as well as many individuals whose only sensory disability is blindness.

Text displayed visually benefits users who are deaf as well as the majority of Web users. Providing non-text equivalents e. In movies or visual presentations, visual action such as body language or other visual cues numero de serie adobe premiere elements 9 free not be accompanied by enough audio information to convey the same information. Unless verbal descriptions of this visual information are provided, people who cannot see or look at the visual content will not be able to perceive it.

Checkpoints: 1. This includes : images, graphical representations of text including symbolsimage map regions, animations e. For complex content e.

Refer also to checkpoint 9. Techniques for checkpoint 1. Refer to premiers 1. Don’t rely on color alone. Ensure that text and graphics are understandable when viewed without color. If color alone is used premierf convey information, people who cannot differentiate between certain colors and users with devices that have non-color or non-visual displays will not receive the information.

When foreground and background colors are too close to the same hue, they may not provide sufficient contrast when viewed using monochrome displays or by people with different types of color deficits. Using markup improperly — not according to specification — hinders accessibility.

Misusing markup for a presentation effect e. Furthermore, using presentation markup rather than structural markup to convey structure e.


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Adobe Premiere Elements v4.


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